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Welcome to Inverbervie Medical Practice

With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.

Carer's Education Event - Carer's Week 2024

An opportunity for care partners and those who support people living with a diagnosis of a dementia to come together for a day of sharing, learning, and connecting.

The morning session will be led by DSDC Senior Dementia Consultant Dave Wilson-Wynne, who will provide an overview of dementia, supporting unmet need, and solutions to help people in their own communities.


The afternoon session will feature several guest speakers, including:

  • Dementia Consultant – NHS Grampian
  • Care Home Assurance Nurse (Dementia)
  • Third Sector Organisations
  • Care Management (Social Care)

In the afternoon session, each guest speaker has 10 minutes to talk about their role, their team, and how they can support carers and people living with dementia. Carers will then have the opportunity to ask them direct questions.

Dementia PDS Engagement Flyer

Please see flyer below regarding drop in session in June and also a survey to fill in for people who have dementia, unpaid carers, family member/relatives.

Dementia PDS Engagement Flyer

Please note new telephone number for Aberdeenshire Vaccination Contact Centre under house Services tab.

Your GP Practice Remains Open

We are open and seeing patients face-to-face, via telephone consultations and replying via the eConsult system.  Appointments are with our Health Care Team.  Our nursing services continue with bloods, ECG's, blood pressures, etc. being performed in the practice.


First Contact Physiotherapy

Please see "Services" tab for information on this new system and to access self-referral form.

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Grampian General Practice – working together for a brighter future.

GP practices are the bedrock of our healthcare services.  Across Grampian we are working together to deliver the services you need.

Over the last few years, GP practices have seen a huge increase in the number of people who need care and support.  At the same time is has got harder to recruit new GP's, along with other vital staff.

Practices have changed and now have larger teams made up of many different professionals - for example you may have had an appointment with a highly qualified Advanced Nurse Practitioner or seen a Physiotherapist to help with back pain.  These new 'multi-disciplinary' teams are of great value and have helped with the increase in demand - but the demand keeps growing.

We know some of you have real concerns about accessing community services.  You might be worried help and support will not be easily available when you need it.  The NHS, the Health & Social Care partnerships, and GP's themselves are committed to building on the foundations we have; we need your help to really understand how we can move forward to a brighter future. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this short survey.

If you would like to contact us about this work please email us at:

If you are >50 years old, and live in the Kincardine and Mearns area and require travel assistance, see below:

Affordable Transport

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